Category: Uncategorized

  • How Narcissistic Abuse Erodes Your Self-Esteem

    How Narcissistic Abuse Erodes Your Self-Esteem and How to Rebuild Your Worth Narcissistic abuse is a unique kind of emotional manipulation that can slowly wear down a person’s sense of self. When you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you may find yourself constantly questioning your worth, doubting your abilities, and feeling like nothing you…

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  • Handling the Parent Time Switch Meltdown

    Handling the Parent Time Switch Meltdown. I remember wondering what the heck was going on with my kids every time they would come home from their dad’s house. It’s like they had to have a 2 day De-tox just to be functional again. Have you dealt with this? Dealing with our kids’ difficult behavior after…

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  • How to Manage Anxiety with the Contrary Action Method

    What the “Contrary Action Method” is and How to Use it to Manage Anxiety Today I was listening to an episode of the podcast, “Navigating Narcissism” by Dr. Ramani Durvasula, PhD. and this concept was brought up. Although I am familiar with the method, I had never heard it called Contrary Action before. Dr. Ramani…

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  • How To Nurture Your Soul Through Divorce

    How To Nurture Your Soul Through Divorce Put on Your Mask In today’s blog, we are going to look into how to nurture your soul through your divorce. I have been thinking about “Masks” lately. Of course, when divorcing a narcissist, we are always waiting for the glorious day when they finally take off their…

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  • Nurturing Yourself Through a Difficult Divorce

    Nurturing Yourself Through a Difficult Divorce from an Abusive Partner Divorce is often one of the most challenging experiences a person can endure, and this difficulty is magnified exponentially when escaping an abusive relationship. The pain, fear, and uncertainty can feel overwhelming, but amidst the turmoil, it is crucial to prioritize self-care. Nurturing yourself through…

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  • The Impact of the High Conflict Divorce on Religion

    The Impact of the High Conflict Divorce on Religion How Divorce Impacts the Faithful Are you a faithful, religious person who wants to follow your beliefs and personal moral compass, but have found yourself at the crossroads between facing a divorce caused by abuse and the religious dilemma that getting a divorce is wrong and…

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  • Why Divorcing a Narcissist is so Hard

    Divorcing a Narcissist is hard for a few reasons: Divorcing a narcissist is so hard for a few reasons. Leaving an abusive relationship with a narcissist can take every once of energy you have.  And, you will feel so relieved to finally get away.  You hope that you can quickly file for divorce and then…

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  • Why Would I need to Hire a Divorce Coach?

    Why Should I Hire a Divorce Coach? I have an attorney.  Why should I also hire a Divorce Coach? Won’t my attorney help me with every aspect of my high conflict divorce? Don’t I just need an attorney for my high conflict divorce? Why would I need a high conflict divorce coach too? These are good…

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  • Conflicting Out an Attorney and Why it’s Important

    What Does Conflicting Out an Attorney Mean and Why is it Important to know? Conflicting out an attorney is the basic practice of a “Conflict of Interest”.  If you talk with an attorney, even if you do not hire them, it would be considered an ethical conflict of interest for your spouse to then hire…

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  • Parental Alienation and Reunification Therapy

    Parental Alienation and Reunification Therapy Parental Alienation happens when one parent manipulates or undermines the relationship between their child(ren) and the other parent. It causes the child(ren) to reject the alienated parent. Which leads to the children refusing to spend time with them. Usually parental alienation is done simply as a way to get revenge…

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