I am Shelly Sabey and I started Shelly J Coaching, LLC. to help women going through abusive, high conflict divorces.

I became a Certified Life Coach through The Life Coach School in January 2023.  I then received my High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification in March of 2023. 

In 2018, I went through my own high conflict divorce from a narcissist with Borderline Personality Disorder. Oh, how I wish I’d had a high conflict divorce coach by my side to guide me along the way. I made so many mistakes and allowed court professionaIs to talk me into things that were harmful to me, my case, and my children. I know I would have had a much better outcome with a high conflict divorce coach. This is why I became one myself. I wanted to help others avoid the trouble I had with my divorce.

I was married for 23 years to an abusive man.  I endured verbal, emotional, psychological, and physical abuse from him.  And then dealt with post separation abuse after my divorce. 

I naively thought my lawyer and the family court system would be on my side as a victim of abuse. I thought they would believe me and fight for justice on my behalf.  But unfortunately, they did not.  My children were even questioned about the validity of the abuse they endured at the hands of their father.  I had a difficult time reconciling that the professionals that were supposed to be on our side and help us didn’t seem to either believe me and my children or take the abuse seriously.

So, I decided that victims needed to have Someone in their corner who heard them, believed them, and validated them.

I am passionate about helping all who find themselves in toxic or abusive relationships leave safely, navigate the divorce process strategically, and guide you through the next phase of life of Single Motherhood, Dating Again, Blending Families, and Step-Parenthood and be able to create a joy filled life in the process.

My hope is to share my expertise that I’ve gained over the years to help you avoid the mistakes I made and to achieve the best outcome possible for you and your children.

Personal Life

I have four wonderful boys and 3 wonderful step-children. I got remarried in December 2019 to my amazing husband, Jason. I never knew married life could be so incredible. We have created a beautiful blended family of 9 who all love each other and actually enjoy spending time together. We know we have a rare blended family in that all our children have become friends with each other. They have similar interests and love hanging out together playing games, watching movies, traveling, and eating!

My husband and I love just being together with our kids. But, we also LOVE traveling the world and eating fabulous food wherever we go. We love hiking, watching movies, reading together, and a good debate. We are lifelong learners and believe there is no end to education, which can come in a variety of ways. We believe Knowledge is Power!